Monday 14 December 2009

JB - Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


  • The video uses many conventions of the Powerpop genre, which is a fun, upbeat and contemporary genre.

  • Applying Goodwins Framework our video uses conventional costumes and fashion that people would associate with the genre, such as checked shirts and thick framed black glasses. The glasses can be seen as a visual signifier as ironic. Nowadays the ‘geek chic’ look is popular. This helps the audience to identi fy with the band to make them seem contemporary thus increasing popularity.

  • Our video contains lip synching and synching of instruments. This adds realism to the video and gives the artist a more professional look about them.

  • It also contains relationships between the lyrics and the visuals. This is quite subtle but the lyrics are ‘What our days repeat’ and in our video we have made it look like their days repeat by making him go from one party to another. We have amplified the lyrics by using the gorilla and the cow for comical effect.

  • There is a relationship between the sound and the visuals too. The genre is Powerpop is a very upbeat and humorous genre. We have conveyed this in our video by using a fast cutting rate and by using the cow and the gorilla. We had a fast tempo of cuts and fast montage editing at the end during the party scenes.

  • Our video is a narrative/performance/concept based video. It contains performance shots in the chorus and in the verses it contains a narrative. The cow and the gorilla would be the concept part.


  • The artist does perform in a first person mode of address by looking straight into the camera when singing on some occasions. This can be seen in ‘Hellogoodbyes’ other videos such as ‘Bonnie Taylor Shakedown’. This makes the audience feel a parasocial intimacy towards the band, according to Dyer, and helps them to identify with them.

  • The relationship between the man and woman can be seen as a serious relationship. The man goes out to find her when she is gone, this shows their love. The cow and the gorilla is the oppositeof this relationship. They are in a more humorous relationship. This can be seen by them chasing eachother throughout.

  • The video plays on the conventions that the male is not sensitive. In some normal circumstances the man may be seen as the one to leave in the morning, but in our video it is the female who leaves. This leaves the male as quite vulnerable and shows his sensitive side when trying, and failing, to find her. This could be seen as postmodern because of the irony involved.

  • Within our video we have conveyed character exposition within the sequence when the male and female are on the sofa playing around and socializing. This shows the audience that they are in a relationship and that they like eachother.


    • The video conveys a Heteronormative discourse. This is shown by the male and female characters interacting with each other showing that they are in a sound heterosexual relationship, thus showing heterosexuality as normal however at the end we see a splitting up between the two which shows that heterosexual relationships arent always perfect and that friends can be more enduring.


        • We have also been playful by using the cow and the gorilla to contradict the relationship between the male and female.

        • Powerpop videos are seen to be quite humorous and playful. We have tried to convey that through our video by using the cow and the gorilla and by being quite lively for our performances.


        • Postmodernism is a key theme in our video. Iw works with the genre and becomes enjoyable to the audience. We have used these signifiers to create postmodernism within our video.

        • Intertextuality such as the gorilla such as the Cadburys advert where the gorilla is playing the drums.

        • In this video we have used intertextuality such as the Buddy Holly glasses. These glasses can be seen being worn by various different stars such as Buddy Holly, Jay –Z and Woody Allen.

        • We have used intertextuality such as the Television show Skins and Teen movies. These are shown when we used house parties which are commonly seen in these areas.

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