Tuesday 1 December 2009

JL - Audience Feedback Evaluation - Rough Cut

On Monday we showed our rough cut to the class for some audience feedback and we got some very helpful advice to help improve our work.

The audience liked the concept of Gorilla and the Cow as they found it quite humourous as a recurring character but felt that there wasn't enough of the cow and gorilla near the end so we have decided to add some filler shots of the gorilla chasing the cow with maybe some special effects.

A shot that they found interesting was the start of the second chorus with the band moving from one position to another with the camera at one point. Another shot that they were fond of is when Jamie was sitting on the bench with the red leaves surrounding him during the second verse.

A lot of people didn't understand that the girl has left because we didn't show her leaving nor did we have a shot of the empty sofa so we will have to make it clear that she has left by having her. We decided to do this by having a shot of the empty sofa.

Overall I felt that it went well. We got some important advice on how to make our work better.

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